# I still don't care about cookies
### Debloated fork of the extension "I don't care about cookies"
#### Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites!
## Why fork?
This extension has been acquired by _**[Avast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avast)**_ (which itself has been acquired by _[Gen Digital Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gen_Digital)_, a large tech conglomerate) and I simply don't trust Avast with my data. Additionally, having it on GitHub allows us to improve the code and add support for websites faster.
## Download & Install
## Manual installation
- [Installation guide for **Firefox**](https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies/wiki/Firefox-installation-guide)
- [Installation guide for **Chrome**](https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies/wiki/Chrome-installation-guide)
## Contributing to Translation
We welcome contributions to the translation of the extension. If you're interested in helping us translate the extension to your language, you can join us on [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/i-still-dont-care-about-cookie/).
## Contributing to The API
This extension sends requests to an API hosted at _[api.istilldontcareaboutcookies.com](https://api.istilldontcareaboutcookies.com)_ - while this is a backend-facing piece of software, the source code is available [here on GitHub](https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies-Api) and uses the C# ASP.NET library for an MVC structure.
## Credits / spotlights
- [OhMyGuus](https://github.com/OhMyGuus/) - Current maintainer of this
- [appeasementPolitik](https://github.com/appeasementPolitik) - Helped a lot with setting up and maintaining the project. (Thanks!)
- [Translators](https://crowdin.com/project/i-still-dont-care-about-cookie/members) - Awesome people who translated (Thanks!)
- [All other contributors](https://github.com/OhMyGuus/I-Still-Dont-Care-About-Cookies/graphs/contributors) (Thanks!)
- [Daniel Kladnik](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dkladnik) - Developer of original extension
- Everyone who reported a website.
## License
This fork is based on [**v3.4.3**](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/i-dont-care-about-cookies/versions/) of the extension, which has been distributed under the GPLv3 (GNU) license.
## Thanks to all contributors
We would like to extend our gratitude to all the contributors, translators, and everyone who has helped make this extension possible. Your efforts and support are highly appreciated, and we could not have done it without you. Thank you!